Welcome to JTASAP!
Welcome to JTASAP!
Monday - Friday
Chesterfield Office - 8:30AM-5:00PM
Henrico Office - 8:30AM-5:00PM
DMV Office - 8:30AM-4:30PM
Program Enrollment stops at 3:30 P.M.
Visit our FAQ page for more information.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) provides probation and intervention services for the Commonwealth’s courts through its local programs located throughout Virginia. Our mission is to improve highway safety by decreasing the incidence of driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, leading to the reduction of alcohol and drug related fatalities and crashes.
VASAP is a quasi-governmental organization that works directly with the courts to provide intervention services for those who are convicted of a DUI, drug, or other offense in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
JTASAP services the following jurisdictions:
Colonial Heights
Prince George
Richmond City
John Tyler ASAP currently has two full time offices in Chesterfield, Henrico, and DMV Headquarters in Richmond City.
Debit/Credit Card ($2 Service Fee)
Visa, MasterCard or Discover
Money Order
Online payments can be paid via your client portal account here.
If you are already enrolled in ASAP or have received services from ASAP, DO NOT create an account. If you need assistance accessing your account, please call our office or reach out to your case manager.
Case Managers
Tom Bowman: tbowman@jtasap.com
Chesterfield GDC Courtroom C and Colonial Heights
Kelsey Crist: kcrist@jtasap.com
Amelia, Nottoway, and Henrico GDC & CCT - last names beginning with J-P
Katelynn Dunnells: kdunnells@jtasap.com
Amelia, Nottoway, and Henrico GDC & CCT - last names beginning with Q-Z
Erielle Eppes: eeppes@jtasap.com
Chesterfield GDC Courtroom B, Hopewell, and Petersburg
Alys Goodwin: agoodwin@jtasap.com
Chesterfield GDC Courtroom D and E
Monty Johnson: mjohnson@jtasap.com
Goochland, Hanover, and Richmond City GDC & CCT - last names beginning with K-Z
Jenelle Omari: jomari@jtasap.com
Goochland, Hanover, and Richmond City GDC & CCT - last names beginning with A-J
*Coming Soon* - For questions email Victoria Stonnell at
Chesterfield GDC Courtroom A
Regan Smith: rsmith@jtasap.com
Amelia, Nottoway, and Henrico GDC & CCT - last names beginning with C-I
Arya Sultani: asultani@jtasap.com
Intake Specialist
Genicia Townes: gtownes@jtasap.com
Dinwiddie, Emporia, Greensville, Powhatan, Prince George, Surry, and Sussex
Case Manager Supervisor
Victoria Stonnell: vstonnell@jtasap.com
Amelia, Nottoway, and Henrico GDC & CCT - last names beginning with A-B
Assistant Director
Nancy Mayer: nmayer@jtasap.com
Chesterfield CCT
*Treatment Providers must use the ECM Portal*
9620 Iron Bridge Road #101, Chesterfield, Virginia 23832, United States
Phone: 804-914-2181x1 Fax: 804-796-4547 info@jtasap.com
4116 East Parham Road, Henrico, Virginia 23228, United States
Phone: 804-914-2181x2 Fax: 804-914-2245 info@jtasap.com
2300 West Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220, United States