Welcome to JTASAP!
Welcome to JTASAP!
For those clients who need to complete ASAP as a DMV requirement for a Virginia offense the following steps must be taken:
1. Clients must enroll in the program where the DUI occurred. If the conviction was in another program jurisdiction, the client must provide a letter from that program stating there are no fees due and the client can enroll with JTASAP.
2. The total ASAP fee is $400.00*, this along with any unpaid previous fees is due at enrollment.
3. The client must provide a current (within 30 days) DMV Driving Record and Compliance Summary.
4. Clients will then be scheduled for an intake appointment.
In an effort to reduce office wait times clients are encouraged to download the enrollment packet below and fill it out prior to coming to the office to enroll.
*The ASAP fee consists of a $300 enrollment fee and a $100 intervention fee.
Total Fees Due at enrollment: $400
**If the charge was received in a different state please refer to the Out of State information.
Please view the orientation video and fill out the enrollment packet below. Please note that all areas that require a signature must be signed. Submit all completed documents to the office: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Office locations are listed on our homepage.